Its quiet a known thing now, that Pakistan military has got increasingly high budgets with priorities to defense rather than education and health, the more important issues. However, there are also serious concerns raised that all these years of increased taxes, miserable living standards, inflation, crime, suicides and poverty due to the defense priority still leave defense a weak and worthless institution.
I Keep wondering on how can there possibly me SO many security and intelligence breaches? Every other day an attack on the armed forces causing a shocking damage, a successful breakthrough and a significant hole in the hopes of the people. It’s quite obviously our war as our assets and institutions at risk, eyed and under question. Six men really? More powerful than our navy? 16 hours to get back the premises with 2 terrorists escaping? What more shall come your way, one has no idea. Rangers, Navy, CID, yes go on attacking and prove of proud we shall be of our institutions and strength. Honestly, it’s a highly disappointing state of affairs. A poll regarding it by Express Tribune at FaceBook, shows this lack of confidence towards its government as majority have voted a ‘No’ when asked ‘Do you believe the government and military are narrating a true picture of the navy base attack?’.
No answers, even no hope for them. Probably our worthy institutions just know how to kill, beat and torture their own people as protection against few armed men they can’t have for themselves. Defense high budgets show the importance our country lays on defense, which as stated if cut my half can lower so much of poverty and misery for the people of Pakistan. Armed forces were once high esteemed to protect the country while its people slept peacefully in their homes but perhaps they are just stories now. Our armed forces give us great hopes being everywhere and in all institutions and businesses except doing the job entrusted upon . them. A depressing state of affairs..indeed